Cultivate Connection - Christ Centred Meditation

Spirit Soul & Body

Episode Summary

Jesus was conceived by the spirit, rejected by those he loved, and glorified in splendor by his father. Heartache is not foreign to him; bodily pain is something he's borne more than most; connection with his father is perfection.

Episode Notes

We often read of Jesus in our Bibles, but have you ever stopped to consider this? Jesus has a spirit, soul, and body just like me and you.

In John 1:9-14 (TPT) we read how Jesus was conceived by the spirit, rejected by those he loved, and glorified in splendor by his father. Heartache is not foreign to him; bodily pain is something he's borne more than most; connection with his father is perfection.

Who not better to look to for wisdom and guidance when it comes to understanding our own spirit, soul, and body? Jesus knows what it feels like, trust me. What advice does He have to lend when you take a moment to ask Him?